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The low cost computer software designed for equipment installation and service maintenance
Hardware requirements  
Multiple users over a network  

                     Running Multiple ServiceLife Users Over A Network


One of the most useful features of ServiceLife is the ability to have several people use it on many computers simultaneously. ServiceLife allows multiple users to be logged on at once and it handles user conflicts when two people access the same record at the same time.

The limiting factor for the maximum number of users is the performance of each computer and most importantly the performance of your network. Before purchasing ServiceLife for a large number of users it would be advisable to contact us and discuss the matter first.

To run ServiceLife on a network you simply move the data file to a shared folder that all your computers can access. On each computer you can then tell ServiceLife the new location of the data file. From then on all your computers are seeing the same information and can update it simultaneously.


The splash screen that shows each time you start start the ServiceLife program